Launching: Non-Contact Hand Washing Timer

This is a companion to my previous Instructable victimisation an Arduino UNO and four (4) diverse colored LEDs. As with that Instructable direct contact is non required. That is, this is a non-contact timer.

For personal health, it is quite useful to be CDC guidelines on bridge player washing whenever one returns from existence out of your household.

My prior Instructable used LEDs, which are rather visible. Apiece LED was off on for approximately v (5) seconds. Thus, although the LEDs are very painless to see, there was not a definitive seconds comeback, only a beamy indication of the time, in seconds, that had bygone.

I ground, it would be easier for me to follow the Center for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines if the timing aid I used gave the existent seconds that receive past since the timer started, even if only approximate, rather than the broad brushing LEDs of my previous Instructable.

So, I ready-made this Instructable victimisation some readily available, and relatively inexpensive, components: an Arduino UNO board, a small breadboard, an IR Obstacle Avoidance Module, an I2C 1602 LCD, and a salmagundi of 10cm and 15cm Dupont wires to connect the components.

In fact, IT is hard to think an easier non-contact Instructable to build for following Center for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for hired hand lavation.

A renowned, I built an earlier Instructable using an Arduino UNO and four (4) LEDs to keep open track of the sentence using all-embracing, but highly circumpolar, timing aids. Of course, the LEDs are very easy to see, and still may be preferred by both Makers.

This Instructable uses an I2C 1602 to like a shot display the approximate clock in seconds that has elapsed since a hand was held near the IR collusion Shunning Sensor, rather than the LEDs of my previous Instructable.

Infra are the some of the CDC guidelines (i.e., a component of their guidelines) regarding wash your workforce.

Washing should be done even without the presence of the COVID-19 general. Appropriate lavation can prevent the transmission system of diarrheal infections and early person-to-soul illnesses.

"How Germs Spread

Washing hands can keep you healthy and prevent the spread of respiratory and diarrheal infections from unmatched soul to the next. Germs can spread from other people or surfaces when you: Touch sensation your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Organise or eat food and drinks with unwashed hands. Touch a dirty rise or objects, Fellate your nuzzle, cough, or sneeze into custody and then touch other people's hands or common objects.

Important Times to Airstream Hands: You can help yourself and your loved ones stop healthy by lavation your workforce often, particularly during these key times when you are likely to get and spread germs: Before, during, and subsequently preparing food. In front eating food for thought. Before and afterwards caring for someone at home who is sick with vomiting or diarrhea. Before and after treating a cut or wound. After using the toilet. Aft changing diapers operating theater cleaning up a nipper who has used the toilet. After blowing your nose out, cough, operating theater sneezing. After touching an animal, animal feed, Oregon pigeon-like waste. Later on handling pet food operating room pet treats. After touching garbage. During the COVID-19 pandemic, you should also clean men: After you have been in a public place and touched an item Beaver State skin-deep that may exist frequently touched by other people, much as door handles, tables, gas pumps, shopping carts, Oregon electronic bank clerk registers/screens, etc. Before touching your eyes, nose, or mouth because that's how germs enter our bodies.

Follow Five Steps to Moisten Your Manpower the Right Way. Washing your hands is easy, and it's one of the most utile ways to prevent the spread of germs. Clean hands can stop germs from spreading from one person to another and passim an entire community—from your abode and workplace to child care facilities and hospitals. Come after these five steps every clock. Wet your hands with clean, running water (lukewarm or cold), turn forth the tap, and apply grievous bodily harm. Lather your hands by rubbing them jointly with the liquid ecstasy. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. Scrub up your hands for at the least 20 seconds. Need a timer? [Author: Use this Instructable.] ... Rinse your work force well under clean moving water. Dry your hands exploitation a empty towel Oregon air dry them."

The sad realness is that we usually do non wash our hands for a decent time. This Instructable. with approximate seconds conspicuously displayed, hopes to insure we dry wash our hands in safekeeping with the CDC's guidrlines. The CDC recommends that we wash our hands for at to the lowest degree twenty (20) seconds, at the key times stated above.

This Instuctable displays the approximate seconds elapsed on an I2C 1602 LCD. The time displayed goes from one (1) second all the way up to to sixty (60) seconds, should we choose to exceed the tokenish advisable CDC guidelines.

There is no need to touch any components, as the IR Hit Avoidance Faculty allows us to come skinny the assembly and start the timer without any related contact with it.

Unequal Alcohol or Bleach which eliminates germs by killing them, wash eliminates germs by flushing them down the debilitate.

Instructables have been published to assist Makers to follow Center for Disease Control and Prevention hand washing guidelines. All the same, I believe this one is the easiest to build.

Equally can be seen, in this Instructable I use only a relatively small number of components, and the timer assembly, as previously noted, is promiscuous to physical body, and amusing to use.


The supplies requisite for this project are,

- An Arduino UNO circuit board

- A lowercase breadboard

- An IR Obstruction Avoidance Faculty

- An I2C 1602 LCD

- Dupont cables to connect components.

An empirical weapons platform was used here, but is not absolutely necessary, although it may prove useful. I used an experimental platform to earn it easier to move the assembly as a single unit.

Stride 1: Test IR Obstacle Avoidance Mental faculty

Before we connect every last components together IT is utile to test that the IR Obstacle Dodging Module and the I2C 1602 LCD both work correctly.

The IR Obstacle Avoidance Mental faculty is tested in that Whole step and the I2C 1602 LCD is tested in the next Tone.

In this Step we want to insure the Obstacle Avoidance Module is working correctly before we use it in our contrive.

The IR Obstruction Shunning Mental faculty outputs a LOW or zero (0) when an obstacle (a hand in this Instructable) is near, and turns on the second Go-ahead, and we test that this bit Green River LED is turned On when a hand is brought near. The first Green LED simply tells us that power to this Inland Revenue mental faculty is present.

We use up this IR Obstacle Avoidance Module thus IT wish not be necessary to physically rival any element to start the timer. Exactly coming near the Module with a hand will be fair to middling to start the LCD showing.

Fortuitously, examination this mental faculty is quite easy to act up. A Sketch is not actually required, as only the index connections, i.e., 5 volts and ground from the Arduino UNO are required.

The bare bones Sketch to test this IR module is shown infra, and is also shown in an attached textbook data file, peradventure in a better format.

On that point are two attached still photographs that reveal the test configuration on an experimental platform using an Arduino UNO sole for power and ground.


Test IR Obstacle Turning away Module

Written June 15, 2022

past R Jordan Keindler


null setup() {


void loop() {


This simple Sketch (or non-Sketch) when a hand is/is not close by this IR Obstacle Avoidance Module is whol that is requisite to test this module.

If we can get some Green LEDs to light when a hand is near, Eastern Samoa here, we know the IR Obstacle Avoidance Module is working.

Step 2: Test I2C 1602 LCD

In the previous Step we tested the IR Obstacle Shunning Mental faculty.

We wrote a Sketch (actually not-Sketch, as we only needed top executive) for this test and ran it.

In this step we test the Liquid crystal display I2C 1602 mental faculty. This is connected to the Arduino UNO. One of the attached photographs shows the SCL and SDA, the last connections at the end of the integer pins. These SDA and SCL headers connect to the SDA and SCL connections on the "piggyback" adaptor for I2C on the 1602 display. The 5 Volts and GND connectors, on the UNO, connect respectively to the VCC and GND connectors on the "piggyback" adapter of the 1602 display. through the big businessman rails.

The sketch to perform this test is shown below. The text between the brackets of a #include is often missing in an Instructable but is provided hither in the committed text file. The first two includes should have between the little than and greater than signs Wire.h and LiquidCrystal_I2C.h, respectively.


Test I2C 1602 Display

Written June 14, 2022

by R Jordan Keindler


#include // See textbook

#include // Get a line text

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);

// set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display

int delay1(1000);

void setup()


lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd

liquid crystal display.backlight(); // Turn backlight On


null curl()


lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // Set pointer at position nothing (0) on number 1 line of 1602 LCD

lcd.print("Test Introductory Line"); // Test first line of Liquid crystal display

liquid crystal display.setCursor(0, 1); // Set cursor at position zero (0) on back line of 1602 LCD

lcd.print("Jordan Kreindler"); // Test second line of LCD

delay(delay1); // Delay one second after all the display of elapsed seconds


Step 3: Build the Unit of measurement-Combine the IR Obstacle Avoidance Module and the I2C 1602 LCD

We use the Inland Revenue Obstacle Avoidance Module to Lashkar-e-Toiba us know when a hired hand is at hand and start the timer.As noted previously, we do non postulate to touch any part for the timer to start.

To have the Arduino UNO-supported assembly let US know what approximate time has past, we added a 1602 I2C LCD, to directly display that approximate time in seconds.

The completed meeting place including IR Obstruction Avoidance Module and I2C LCD is shown in the attached photographs.

The Sketch that is accustomed detect if a hand is close, and run the timer is shown in the next Footmark.

The positive priming coat rail on a small breadboard is connected to the IR Obstruction Dodging Module, pin marked VCC, and to the I2C Light-emitting diode VCC pin.

A positive voltage train is wont to ensure all tie points are easily accessible.

The priming rails is in a similar manner conterminous to a GND thole on the I2C LCD and the GND pin on the IR Obstacle Dodging Faculty (through the small breadboard).

The three attached photographs bear witness the collected timer.

Step 4: The Sketch to Make the 1602 LCD Timer Function

The Sketch to call fort the timer functionality is shown below.

The text between the brackets. i.e., that is the greater than and less than brackets, of a #include are typically absent in an Instructable, but are provided present in the attached text file in to mitigate whatsoever issues. The #let in should have brackets, to a lesser degree and greater than brackets, and text between then.

The text between them should live LiquidCrystal_I2C.h.

The deuce attached photographs show how the assembled timer is connected.


Lap Men Timer

Written June 14, 2022

by R Jordan Keindler

Uses an I2C 1602, An IR Obstacle Avoidance Mental faculty,

and an Arduino UNO


#include //See text

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // Hardened I2C name and address to 0x27

int IRModulePinNumber = 7;

int delay1 = 1000;

int i;

int val;

quash setup()


pinMode(IRModulePinNumber, Input signal);

lcd.init(); // format the liquid crystal display



void eyelet() {

val = digitalRead(IRModulePinNumber); // Read the IR Collision Avoidance Outer bowling pin



if (val == 0) // If a turn over is near


LCD.backlight(); // Turn on the backlight

lcd.clear(); // Clear the LCD and place cursor at first position on first strain

lcd.print("Lap Hands Timer"); // Print "Wash Hands Timer" on first line of LCD

lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // Position display cursor on second line

lcd.print("Elapsed time: "); // Print "Elapsed sentence: " on 2d line of LCD

for (i = 1; i <= 60; i++) { // Count the seconds

lcd.setCursor(14, 1);




lcd.noBacklight(); // Play backlight Forth



The timer runs from one (1) bit to sixty (60) seconds.That is, its upper sentence in seconds exceeds CDC stripped-down guidelines, should a user care to wash longer than these CDC minimum recommendations.

When the assembly completes its threescore (60) second cycle it goes dark (to sleep), and waits until other hand is brought close to the IR Hit Avoidance M odule to begin the unity (1) to lx (60) second cycle erst once more.

Whole step 5: Afterwards

If you have total to this point - congratulations. You should immediately have a basic understanding of both of the cardinal elements of the CDC wash hands guidelines American Samoa implemented here on an Arduino UNO with an I2C 1602 Liquid crystal display.

If you like this Instructable you may want to read some of my other Instructables.

Also, if you liked this Instructable, please be kind adequate to check the "Favorited" box at the start of this Instructable; it would be satisfying. Give thanks you.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions correlate this Instructable, please constitute kind enough to add these to the comments below, if there are whatever.

If you get whatsoever thoughts Oregon questions, just about related items not covered in this Instructable, or whatever suggestions for how I could better this Instructable, I would be pleased to hear from you. You can link ME directly at (Please replace the back 'i' with an 'e' to inter-group communication me).

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