Pinterest-Worthy Ways to Reuse Your Empty Makeup Containers

May 14, 2021

Letting become of that well-loved, perfect bronzer or that gorgeous fragrance bottle is never easy, even when there'due south literally zippo within. Only rather than simply property on to beloved empties and letting them create ataxia, opt to upcycle them — A.Thousand.A. keep those nostalgic makeup containers and plow them into something new, heady and, most importantly, useful.

Even though tossing your makeup after it expires is definitely an important and completely necessary thing to do, we're all guilty of keeping products around well by that time. Just that doesn't mean the container has to go. After cleaning your makeup container completely to ensure that there's no makeup left, attempt one of these five Pinterest-worthy ways to reuse your empty makeup containers and help organize and shop your collection .

For the old lip balm you've had for years ...

Bobby pins are practically impossible to keep track of if yous don't accept an organization system in place. Store them in an old lip balm container to ensure you lot'll never lose them over again, and pop information technology in your purse for safekeeping.

For your makeup compact with a mirror …

If your makeup meaty has a mirror, y'all already have an alternating employ for it. Throw it in your purse or gym purse to use as a touch-up mirror when you're on the go.

For your empty makeup meaty without a mirror …

If your makeup compact doesn't have a mirror, you lot can store mints, hair ties, earrings or other small necessities in it. If your meaty is sectioned, consider organizing your vitamins or pills inside them.

For empty bottles of perfume ...

Considering nosotros all know it's way too difficult to dispose of a gorgeous (and expensive) perfume bottle, transform it into a pocket-sized vase. You'll instantly turn your perfume into a piece of timeless decor.

For setting spray bottles …

You'll make good use of your setting spray bottles by cleaning them out and filling them with h2o, face toner, cleaning products, etc. Spray bottles come in handy for a multitude of uses.

For mascara wands …

Considering how quickly mascara gets used up, finding a fashion to upcycle at least part of the packaging is great for Mama World. Mascara wands are incredibly similar to spoolies, so they're perfect for brushing upwardly your eyebrows and combing through your lashes (simply brand sure to clean them first).

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