
How To Create Rich Text Box In Html

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If you are developing any site and in you site some section need user input in rich text format then you can't use text area because it's limitation is there. In market there are lots of control available freely and paid as well. But have you think ever how to develop our own text editor, so we can customize as per our choice, need. There is no DLL limitation.

Today I will show you how to develop your RichText Box using JavaScript and HTML with CSS.


I will not develop complete RichText box here, but some basic of the RichText Box and left remaining things for your exercise.

Add one HTML page to your project. Then in head section add below style for DropDown list. Add this line too in head section.

          <          style                              type          ="          text/css"                              media          ="          screen,print"          >          .          select          {          background-color          :          #CCCCCC;          border-width          :          1px;          font-family          :          Calibri,Verdana, Tahoma;          margin          :          0;          font-size          :          10px; }          </          style          >        

This is the file which encode and decode HTML tag to toggle between Design mode and HTML mode.

Add below code also inside head tag

          <          script                              type          ="          text/javascript"          >          function          Set() {     getIFrameDocument("          textEditor").designMode =          "          On";     getIFrameDocument("          textEditor").focus(); }          function          getIFrameDocument(editor) {               if          (document.getElementById(editor).contentDocument)     {          return          document.getElementById(editor).contentDocument;     }               else          {                   return          document.frames[editor].document;     } }          <          /          script          >        

Set function to set the design mode on and focus as well. This function will get call once page loaded successfully. getIFrameDocument function will be used to check it's an IE or Firefox.

This is the another JavaScript code snippets which will be used to edit the document text as per our command. Add it to the head tag

          <          script                              type          ="          text/javascript"          >          var          isDesignMode =          true;          function          fontEdit(command, y) {          switch          (command)     {          case          '          bold':          if          (document.getElementById('          bold').src.toString().indexOf("          over") != -1)         {          document.getElementById('          bold').src =          "          images/bold.gif";         }          else          {          document.getElementById('          bold').src =          "          images/bold.over.gif";         }          break;          case          '          italic':          if          (document.getElementById('          italic').src.toString().indexOf('          over') != -1)          document.getElementById('          italic').src =          '          images/italic.gif';          else          document.getElementById('          italic').src =          '          images/italic.over.gif';          break;          case          '          underline':          if          (document.getElementById('          underline').src.toString().indexOf('          over') != -1)          document.getElementById('          underline').src =          '          images/underline.gif';          else          document.getElementById('          underline').src =          '          images/underline.over.gif';          break;          case          '          justifyleft':          if          (document.getElementById('          justifyleft').src.toString().indexOf('          over') != -1)          document.getElementById('          justifyleft').src =          '          images/justifyleft.gif';          else          document.getElementById('          justifyleft').src =          '          images/justifyleft.over.gif';          break;          case          '          justifycenter':          if          (document.getElementById('          justifycenter').src.toString().indexOf('          over') != -1)          document.getElementById('          justifycenter').src =          '          images/justifycenter.gif';          else          document.getElementById('          justifycenter').src =          '          images/justifycenter.over.gif';          break;          case          '          justifyright':          if          (document.getElementById('          justifyright').src.toString().indexOf('          over') != -1)          document.getElementById('          justifyright').src =          '          images/justifyright.gif';          else          document.getElementById('          justifyright').src =          '          images/justifyright.over.gif';          break;          case          '          insertorderedlist':          if          (document.getElementById('          insertorderedlist').src.toString().indexOf('          over') != -1)          document.getElementById('          insertorderedlist').src =          '          images/numberedlist.gif';          else          document.getElementById('          insertorderedlist').src =          '          images/numberedlist.over.gif';          break;          case          '          insertunorderedlist':          if          (document.getElementById('          insertunorderedlist').src.toString().indexOf('          over') != -1)          document.getElementById('          insertunorderedlist').src =          '          images/bulletedlist.gif';          else          document.getElementById('          insertunorderedlist').src =          '          images/bulletedlist.over.gif';          break;          case          '          outdent':          if          (document.getElementById('          outdent').src.toString().indexOf('          over') != -1)          document.getElementById('          outdent').src =          '          images/outdent.gif';          else          document.getElementById('          outdent').src =          '          images/outdent.over.gif';          break;          case          '          indent':          if          (document.getElementById('          indent').src.toString().indexOf('          over') != -1)          document.getElementById('          indent').src =          '          images/indent.gif';          else          document.getElementById('          indent').src =          '          images/indent.over.gif';          break;          case          '          default':          break;     }     getIFrameDocument("          textEditor").execCommand(command,          "          ", y);     textEditor.focus(); }          function          ChangeMode() {          if          (isDesignMode ==          true)     {         isDesignMode =          false;          document.getElementById('          mode').src =          '          images/mode.html.gif';          document.getElementById('          mode').title =          '          HTML View';         Encoder.EncodeType =          "          entity";          var          encoded = Encoder.htmlEncode(getIFrameDocument("          textEditor").body.innerHTML);         getIFrameDocument("          textEditor").body.innerHTML = encoded;     }          else          {         isDesignMode =          true;          document.getElementById('          mode').src =          '          images/';          document.getElementById('          mode').title =          '          Design View';          var          decoded = Encoder.htmlDecode(getIFrameDocument("          textEditor").body.innerHTML);         getIFrameDocument("          textEditor").body.innerHTML = decoded;     } }          <          /          script          >        

Now JavaScript is over and we will add HTML code to the page. Before that we will code Set function on page load event like this

          <          body                              onload          ="          Set()"          >        

And code is as below.

          <          div                              style          ="          background-color: #CCCCCC; width: 500px;"          >          <          a                              onclick          ="          javascript:fontEdit('bold')"          >          <          img                              id          ="          bold"                              src          ="          images/bold.gif"                              alt          ="          Bold"                              title          ="          Bold"                              style          ="          height: 20px; width: 21px; border: none;"                              /          >          <          /a          >          <          a                              onclick          ="          javascript:fontEdit('italic')"          >          <          img                              id          ="          italic"                              src          ="          images/italic.gif"                              alt          ="          "                              title          ="          Italic"                              style          ="          height: 20px; width: 21px; border: none;"                              /          >          <          /a          >          <          a                              onclick          ="          javascript:fontEdit('underline')"          >          <          img                              id          ="          underline"                              src          ="          images/underline.gif"                              alt          ="          "                              title          ="          Underline"                              style          ="          height: 20px; width: 21px; border: none;"                              /          >          <          /a          >          <          img                              id          ="          sep1"                              src          ="          images/sep.gif"                              alt          ="          "                              style          ="          height: 16px; width: 1px; border: none;"                              /          >          <          a                              onclick          ="          javascript:fontEdit('justifyleft')"          >          <          img                              id          ="          justifyleft"                              src          ="          images/justifyleft.gif"                              alt          ="          "                              title          ="          Justify Left"                              style          ="          height: 20px; width: 21px; border: none;"                              /          >          <          /a          >          <          a                              onclick          ="          javascript:fontEdit('justifycenter')"          >          <          img                              id          ="          justifycenter"                              src          ="          images/justifycenter.gif"                              alt          ="          "                              title          ="          Justify Center"                              style          ="          height: 20px; width: 21px; border: none;"                              /          >          <          /a          >          <          a                              onclick          ="          javascript:fontEdit('justifyright')"          >          <          img                              id          ="          justifyright"                              src          ="          images/justifyright.gif"                              alt          ="          "                              title          ="          Justify Right"                              style          ="          height: 20px; width: 21px; border: none;"                              /          >          <          /a          >          <          img                              id          ="          sep2"                              src          ="          images/sep.gif"                              alt          ="          "                              style          ="          height: 16px; width: 1px; border: none;"                              /          >          <          a                              onclick          ="          javascript:fontEdit('insertorderedlist')"          >          <          img                              id          ="          insertorderedlist"                              src          ="          images/numberedlist.gif"                              alt          ="          "                              title          ="          Order List"                              style          ="          height: 20px; width: 21px; border: none;"                              /          >          <          /a          >          <          a                              onclick          ="          javascript:fontEdit('insertunorderedlist')"          >          <          img                              id          ="          insertunorderedlist"                              src          ="          images/bulletedlist.gif"                              alt          ="          "                              title          ="          Bullets List"                              style          ="          height: 20px; width: 21px; border: none;"                              /          >          <          /a          >          <          a                              onclick          ="          javascript:fontEdit('outdent')"          >          <          img                              id          ="          outdent"                              src          ="          images/outdent.gif"                              alt          ="          "                              title          ="          Outdent"                              style          ="          height: 20px; width: 21px; border: none;"                              /          >          <          /a          >          <          a                              onclick          ="          javascript:fontEdit('indent')"          >          <          img                              id          ="          indent"                              src          ="          images/indent.gif"                              alt          ="          "                              title          ="          Indent"                              style          ="          height: 20px; width: 21px; border: none;"                              /          >          <          /a          >          <          a                              onclick          ="          ChangeMode()"          >          <          img                              id          ="          mode"                              src          ="          images/"                              alt          ="          "                              title          ="          Design View"                              style          ="          height: 20px; width: 21px; border: none;"                              /          >          <          /a          >          <          /div          >          <          div                              style          ="          background-color: #CCCCCC; width: 497px; padding-left: 3px;"          >          <          select                              id          ="          fonts"                              class          ="          select"                              onchange          ="          fontEdit('fontname',this[this.selectedIndex].value)"          >          <          option                              value          ="          Arial"          >Font<          /option          >          <          option                              value          ="          Arial"          >Arial<          /option          >          <          option                              value          ="          Courier New"          >Courier New<          /option          >          <          option                              value          ="          Monotype Corsiva"          >Monotype<          /option          >          <          option                              value          ="          Tahoma"          >Tahoma<          /option          >          <          option                              value          ="          Times"          >Times<          /option          >          <          /select          >          <          select                              id          ="          size"                              class          ="          select"                              onchange          ="          fontEdit('fontsize',this[this.selectedIndex].value)"          >          <          option                              value          ="          0"          >Size<          /option          >          <          option                              value          ="          1"          >1<          /option          >          <          option                              value          ="          2"          >2<          /option          >          <          option                              value          ="          3"          >3<          /option          >          <          option                              value          ="          4"          >4<          /option          >          <          option                              value          ="          5"          >5<          /option          >          <          /select          >          <          select                              id          ="          color"                              class          ="          select"                              onchange          ="          fontEdit('ForeColor',this[this.selectedIndex].value)"          >          <          option                              value          ="          color"          >Color<          /option          >          <          option                              style          ="          color: black;"                              value          ="          black"          >Black<          /option          >          <          option                              style          ="          color: red;"                              value          ="          red"          >Red<          /option          >          <          option                              style          ="          color: blue;"                              value          ="          blue"          >Bblue<          /option          >          <          option                              style          ="          color: green;"                              value          ="          green"          >Green<          /option          >          <          option                              style          ="          color: #3b3b3b;"                              value          ="          pink"          >Pink<          /option          >          <          /select          >          <          /div          >          <          iframe                              id          ="          textEditor"                              style          ="          width: 500px; height: 170px;"                              scrolling          ="          no"          >          <          /iframe          >        

That's it, and we are done. Just run the html page and you can see a nice Rich Text Box. This code is tested in IE 8.0, Firefox 3.6.8 and Google Chrome 10.0.648.204. There are some toolbar image quality issues that you can fix at your end. So start improving Rich Text Box Editor and share it with our community over here.

How To Create Rich Text Box In Html


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